I began counselling as a volunteer with Victim Support in the early 1990’s. I studied degrees in Psychology and Social Psychology.  I take a holistic view of human behaviour and consider the social, family and cultural context in which we live, rather than adopting a purely medical model (although this has an important place).  Buddhist teachings have been a long term interest of mine and I have felt drawn to exploring the spiritual aspects of life. The course I took at the Amida Trust, brought these interests together.  I studied Buddhist Psychology and qualified as a counsellor in 2012.  This counselling is broadly “humanistic” in orientation. You don’t need to be Buddhist or spiritual to come to me for counselling.

I am a member of the BACP (British Association of Counselling & Psychotherapy).  I abide by their ethical framework.

During 12 years in private practice, I have worked with people with a range of issues. You never stop learning as a counsellor and I undertake regular professional development. I have studied short courses including; Trauma informed therapy, Therapy in Nature, Sand Tray work, Narrative Therapy, Process Orientated Psychology and ACT (Acceptance & Commitment Therapy). These all provide useful guides to therapy, but I feel it most important that I come to each session with an open mind and heart rather than a rigid set of techniques.