Current Government guidelines allow for us to have sessions in person. The room I work in is large, so we are able to easily keep 2 metres apart. I ventilate the room in between clients.
If you or someone in your household are showing symptoms of Coronavirus such as a headache, sore throat, dry cough, fever or loss of smell or taste, if someone you live with has tested positive for Covid, or you have been asked to self-isolate via the Covid App, please do not attend your session. I will inform you if I need to cancel our session for these reasons. I do a lateral flow test twice weekly.
You can either arrive as near as possible to your appointment time and I will meet you at the front door and bring you straight up to the room, or there is a waiting area you can use at reception. The chairs in reception are spaced 2 metres apart.
I will offer sessions on zoom or telephone if it is not possible to meet in person due to Covid restrictions.
Any questions, please ask. It is important that we both feel safe working together.